Service Hotline:0576-89367878

Gaoyu Vision:

Leading domestic hydraulic components, system integration and service providers.

Basic positioning: to be a standardized, standardized, process-oriented management company; (work-process, job-standard, person-responsibility)

Development orientation: domestic leading, internationally competitive;

Product Positioning: Hydraulic Parts Products and Services;

Market Positioning: Engineering Machinery Package;

Corporate Positioning: Component and System Integration Vendor.

Gao Yu Mission:

Concentrate, focus, and professionalism; strive to create value for customers with quality and service; strive to achieve a harmonious and win-win situation for stakeholders such as customers, employees, shareholders and society.

Customer Benefits: Reliable Products + Quality Service = Creating Customer Value;

Employee Benefits: Remuneration + Career Development Channel + Harmonious Labor Relations;

Shareholders' benefits: Maximize returns and reflect the continued healthy development of the company.

Core Value:

Integrity, dedication, teamwork, responsibility, innovation, and transcendence.

Integrity: The moral foundation of being a man is the essential quality of every Gaoyu person;

Dedication: Professional ethics. Concentrate on the work you do, love your dedication, and strive for excellence.

Team: Teamwork. Reflected in the overall situation, collaboration awareness, service awareness;

Account: bear and be responsible. "Responsible for the mountains, can only be able to be."

Innovation: Imitation and improvement. Innovation is a kind of consciousness transformation, a kind of thinking renewal, which is the driving force for enterprise development.

Beyond: A realm that organizations and individuals pursue. Set a benchmark - catching up with the benchmark - surpass yourself and be brave.